
675 minors fled their homes due to violence in two years: Cristosal

Las políticas antimigrantes de Estados Unidos también preocupan a las organizaciones de derechos humanos, pues aseguran que propician la separación…
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Children and youth, victims of internal displacement

La fundación Cristosal presentó su informe sobre la situación de la niñez y juventud frente al desplazamiento forzado causado por…
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Denial and disdain for forced displacement

Admitir el desplazamiento interno forzado existe significaría admitir la derrota del gobierno. Su negativa a aceptar el problema empeora una…
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Human rights in El Salvador will be examined by the United Nations

El Salvador presentará su informe al Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra, Suiza, para revisar las…
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Minister of Security: “Some police and soldiers are the ones who cause cases of internal displacement.”

Mauricio Ramírez Landaverde acknowledged that police and soldiers are also responsible for the violence and insecurity that is forcing families…
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“The government would take a very important step by recognizing forced displacement due to violence”

"The government would take a very important step by recognizing forced displacement due to violence" In this section, we spoke…
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*Most of the news have been taken from newspapers and other news-centered websites.