SUMMARY, Displacement in Salvadoran children and adolescents

This document is based on the complaints filed at the national level with the Office for the Defense of Human Rights of El Salvador (PDDH), as well as on the guidance provided by the personnel of this entity to people who do not wish to file a complaint but do receive legal advice on their particular situation. For its construction, quantitative information was collected on the files and guidelines corresponding to forced internal displacement due to violence in the period from October 2017 to February 2019, reviewing a total of 134 files and 20 guidelines. As a complement, six focus groups were held: three with adolescents and youth grouped in the PDDH Youth Defenders, and three with teachers who work in kindergarten and basic education for the public system; all of them came from the western, central, and eastern parts of the country. The report had the technical support of Cristosal, a civil society organization that works to defend and promote human rights.