Five displacement lawsuits have been admitted

Members of the Cristosal human rights defense foundation reported yesterday that five of the six lawsuits filed before the Constitutional Chamber for those affected by forced displacement have been admitted.

“The Constitutional Chamber has processed in an agile way the appeal processes of the six claims. Five are already admitted and have also advanced through the process, and three are in the evidentiary phase. The probationary phase, let’s say, is almost the final stage of the appeal process, because later the sentencing part would come in a court resolution,” said Abraham Ábrego, Director of Victims’ Assistance of the entity.

As Ábrego explained, the appeals present the effects suffered by the families, which range from threats, murders, extortion, injuries, rape of young girls, disappearances, we could even talk about forced disappearances, in some cases, committed by gangs, assaults, and forced displacement.

The victims indicated during the conference that they hope that, before the end of the election period for the current magistrates, “there will be resolutions” and “a precedent will be set” on what displacement is and on what the State’s obligations are in terms of the law.

Celia Medrano, Cristosal’s Regional Director of Programs, asserted that the current protection systems are not working. “The current systems, evidently, have not worked, which forces us to think about a different regulation that must come at the state level.”

Thus, providing cosmetic solutions or not calling the phenomenon by its names with the mission of “making them invisible” does not resolve the issue.

The original article in Spanish can be accessed through the link below: