Children of El Salvador cannot escape fear

Two recent reports, one from the UN and the other from Cristosal, once again emphasize that violence continues to force young Salvadorans to flee their homes and their country. Many of them continue to try to enter the United States, where the draconian policies of the Trump administration insist on treating them like criminals and denying them any chance of refuge.

The United States Government acknowledged this week that it has separated more than 2,300 children from their parents, and that it has been doing so at least since mid-April. This measure is part of the “Zero Tolerance” immigration policy recently announced by the administration of President Donald Trump. However, this policy was suspended this Wednesday, June 20, after multiple international protests. Although the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) denies that this policy is a strategy to curb irregular migration, since March last year, the head of that department had already threatened to apply it “to prevent further movement within this extremely dangerous network.”

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